3.3333333333333 star(s) from 3 rating(s):
  • Mulur Gallery

    newbie here, how i check username and password matching in mysql DB and then redirect to a logged in only “member.php” page?

  • smartraj

    Customer Support

    anyone can youn help me in modal boostrap i ask this one form lable data enter the username i want to see the username in modal pls anyone help me

    • Harpreet Singh Rayat

      Customer Support

      Hello, please clear your question, what are you trying to achieve exactly?

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Release date: September 25, 2017
Last updated: September 25, 2017
Current version: v1.0
Item type: HTML5 Template
File format: .zip
File size: 993 KB
Requirements: Twitter Bootstrap v4.0.0, jQuery 3.x
Price: $0.00 USD
Operating System: Windows, Linux, OSX
3.3333333333333 stars / 3 ratings
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